Consider the benefits of new Library
May 13, 2014
To the Editor:

Humans are born with an innately curious temperament and a propensity for inventiveness that separates us from the animals of Earth. If Bonners had had anything like the proposed new library with a Fab Lab and other educational and hands-on tech center, I doubt I'd have ever left.

As most of you know, when I left Bonners my dad was Principal at Valley View. I’ve spent the last 48 years in various engineering disciplines from agriculture to aerospace. I even helped put Neil Armstrong on the Moon! I designed and built the machine that applied the adhesive onto your Post-it® Notes before Scotch-3M had even come up with a name for them! I've used all the bits and pieces that go into a FabLab; but I had to leave Bonners to learn and to put my inventiveness to use.

Now that I've finally come home "to do the dance of my people," I know that many residents are concerned about the new library/learning center's cost in higher taxes. I urge you all to consider even more carefully the benefits of such a library, a resource that can benefit every family and business in the valley.

Wouldn't you love to keep your children, nieces, nephews and grandchildren interested, gainfully employed, and at home rather than having to leave for "greener pastures" when they graduate? Surely, investing in our own future still makes good sense in Boundary County. Go Badgers! Go Library!

Brian Hengel