Upcoming area meeting of
Federal Lands Interim Committee
September 3, 2014
To the Editor:

The Federal Lands Interim Committee is a state legislative committee set up to study the legal transfer of federal lands (specifically national forests) back to the state of Idaho to be owned and maintained by the state. This committee is composed of several Senators and Representatives, including Senate and House leadership members. I am one of the Senators on the committee. We had meetings last year and these are the final meetings before the committee is dissolved. The meetings are set up to hear the input of local citizens on the issue of federal lands transferred back to the state to be managed and owned by the state. After the final meetings, there will be a recommendation by the committee to the legislature on this issue.

I urge you to come and testify or give your opinion at the local meetings. This is when citizens have the opportunity to be heard by the legislators. A large number of people expressing their opinion can help with the final recommendation. Come in great numbers. You count and I encourage you to come and speak for our counties, our schools, our children, our livelihood, our constitutional rights.

Sheryl L. Nuxoll
Idaho State Senator,
(R) Cottonwood

(Editor's Note:  The meeting referred to is scheduled for Friday, September 12, at noon at the Sandpoint Events Center, 102 South Euclid Street, Sandpoint, Idaho).