Clarification on Idaho Inauguration events
December 30, 2014
To the Editor:

I read your article on a website and I was wondering if you could clarify if the January 9 Inauguration at noon is open to the public, or only the Inauguration Ball on January 10 is open to the public? I'm not originally
from Idaho so I think I'm missing something. (See the original article by clicking here).

Yosef Ben David

Editor Reply:

Thank you for following the story of the Inauguration event on our website, and for your question asking for clarification on whether the January 9 Inauguration event, held on the south steps of the Idaho Capitol
Building, is open to the public.

Just to be sure, we checked with Col. Tim Marsano of the Idaho National Guard, one of the officials in charge of the event. He confirmed that the January 9 Inauguration--which will include the swearing in of the
governor, lieutenant governor, secretary of state, state controller, attorney general and superintendent of public instruction--is open to the public.