Swimming pool fees, thoughts and suggestions
June 29, 2015
June 28, 2015

To the Editor:

It is sad that there had to be an increase in the pool fees, and I don’t doubt that it was a hard decision to make; unfortunately, now many of our kids can't get to the pool in the summer. It is rough for them to miss free swim, but also there is a population of kids that aren’t taking swimming lessons. With the amount of recreational water activities available this could lead to a dangerous situation.

Has any thought been given to a scholarship fund to offset the cost for some families? I don’t think it should be a free thing, but maybe a partial fee waiver or something. I think that it would have to be a collection of some sort from members of the community, since the city budgets are all set and that, but is it feasible or too late?

Once again, Boundary County needs to think outside the box to come up with answers to an undesirable outcome of declining population and income.

Bethany Cavender