Permits required for outdoor burning

May 17, 2011
Burning permits are now required for individuals wishing to use fire outdoors. As of May 10, anyone doing open burning between then and October 20 must have a valid permit.

The permits are issued free and may be obtained from the agency responsible for local fire control. Those agencies include:

City of Bonners Ferry: City permit secured from Fire Chief or Agent at City Hall.

Idaho Dept. of Lands and USFS: Idaho Dept. of Lands, Highway 95 South.

City of Moyie Springs: Residents within the city limits should contact the city before burning.

Individuals needing information or assistance with burning problems can contact any of these agencies. The permits allow fire personnel to determine whether an uncontrolled fire exists, or if someone is using fire in a responsible manner.

This reduces false runs, making personnel and equipment available when real problems exist.

Permits are not required for campfires (cooking fires), but please use caution and make sure they are out before leaving them.

The largest share of wildfires in Boundary County are caused by debris escaping burning piles. Please check any fires you may have ignited earlier this spring and extinguish them if need be.

Large debris piles will hold heat and fire for long periods of time, up to several months, under the right conditions.