"Your Fireplace Guy' sets up shop

October 6, 2012
"Your Fireplace Guy," Greg Sobczak, owner of Gem Fireplace & Stove.
After several years visiting his mother, Marsha Eberhardt, in Bonners Ferry, Greg Sobczak decided earlier this year that this would be a great place to live and do business, and in early June, he relocated himself and his business, Gem Fireplace & Stove. Now with the cold weather coming on, he's looking forward to becoming "Your Fireplace Guy."

"This is a nice area," he said, "and I'm looking forward to the opportunity to do business."

Originally from Spokane, Greg founded and operated Gem Fireplace & Stove in Portland, Oregon, for the past six years, servicing and installing wood, gas and pellet stoves and fireplace inserts throughout northwest Oregon and southwest Washington.

More than just going in and doing the initial work, he built his business on service; going back each year to ensure that the stoves and heating systems under his care operated not only at peak efficiency, but even more importantly, peak safety.

"Right now is the time to be tuning up for winter," he said. "Once I get to know a heating system and get it in good condition, I offer an annual service plan that is affordable and will keep that system in top shape year after year, saving the customer on their fuel bill and giving them peace of mind that the system is safe."

Hardly a winter goes by in North Idaho during which a home isn't lost to fire from a faulty fireplace or stove, tragic losses, Greg said, that could be easily prevented with proper service and maintenance.

As with cars and almost anything else, stoves and fireplaces wear down with use, and regular servicing by a professional who knows what to look for is essential if you don't want to be stranded ... or worse.

Being without a car when you need it can be frustrating ... losing heat in your home when you need it most can be life-threatening.

And in Idaho, he said, there's a little-known program in place that will actually pay homeowners to replace old, uncertified heating stoves with safe, reliable and much more efficient new systems.

"It's a great opportunity for homeowners to upgrade," Greg said. "The state offers a tax-deduction to replace uncertified stoves that pays 40-percent of the cost of a new stove the first year, then 30-percent for the next two years. It pays not only for the new stove, but for installation as well."

He's happy, he said, to show customers how to apply.

As most of his service calls typically come in fall and winter, Greg said he typically spends part of each summer in class, attending certified training courses offered by the major stove and heating system manufacturers, keeping up on the latest innovations and heating technology.

"To me, it's fun," he said. "There's always something new to learn that will cut fuel bills and improve safety. I don't specialize in one brand or system, but everything I learn keeps me up to date and able to go the extra mile for my customers."

Part of the reason he earns the title "Your Fireplace Guy," is that once he knows your heating system, you get flat rate pricing. When you need him, be it a weekend, a holiday, the middle of the night, you're going to know what the bill will be before he gets there; no watching the clock, no meter running, no guessing.  They even offer an annual pricing plan so that if you have a heating problem, you're going to be taken care of.

In addition, he and his crew will match or meet any competitor's written quote or estimate, and they'll be anywhere needed in either Boundary or Bonner County, 24/7, to make sure your home is snug, safe and warm.

Licensed, bonded and insured, they guarantee their work. They'll go out and brave the snow and cold so you don't have to, as well as give you peace of mind that your home and family are not only warm, but safe.

You can read more about Gem Fireplace and Stove on their website, www.gemfireplace.com, or on Facebook. If you want to know more, call Greg at (208) 304-3514, or drop him an email; greg@gemfireplace.com.

Chances are, what you save this winter in fuel will more than offset the cost of a Gem Fireplace & Stove 15-point heating system service. What you'll gain in peace of mind ... that's priceless.