Another bomb threat disrupts school

November 5, 2012
By Mike Weland

There was an old tomcat once who got his biggest thrill by strutting back and forth outside a wooden fence that held back a mean and ugly dog.

This dog wore a thick leather collar, to which was attached a thick and heavy chain. Every time the cat walked by, the dog caterwauled, barked and bayed, lunging for the cat, his nemesis.

The cat thought it so funny, he'd sit down, behind the fence, and lick his paws, snarling a time or two at the dog just to keep him interested.

For the fourth time in three years, some cat at Bonners Ferry high school thought it would be funny to tease the dog; write a stupid little bomb threat on a bathroom wall and watch the dog bark, snap and growl, held back by a heavy chain.

This time, written on the wall of a stall in a boy's bathroom and found today just after noon.

That dog was ferocious, but helpless, tied as he was.

Some of you may have read the classic story. The closer the mean old dog came, the more excited the cat got.

What the cat never noticed though, was that the dog, heavy chain and heavy collar notwithstanding, was tied to a tire, and every time he lunged, the tired was pulled forward a fraction of an inch.

And there came the day when the cat, still thinking it all in fun, sat behind the fence and hissed, and was too complacent to run when the wood splintered around him and the dog, still chained, crashed through and grabbed him by the neck, and commenced shaking him terribly.

"Wait!" the cat screamed. "I was only playing!"

The kid or kids at Bonners Ferry High School making the bomb threats that disrupt class might consider it funny right now, but the dog is closing in.

"I was only playing" is really going to impress your classmates when they find that you've been disrupting the work they've been doing to gain the education they are offered and entitled.

It'll impress the big dogs you share a cell with in prison even less.