County Commission minutes, October 22

November 19, 2012
***Monday, October 22, 2012, Commissioners met in regular session with Chairman Ron Smith, Commissioner Walt Kirby and Deputy Clerk Michelle Rohrwasser. Commissioner Dan Dinning was out of the office tending to personal matters.

9:00 a.m., Road and Bridge Superintendent Jeff Gutshall joined the meeting to give the departmental report. Mr. Gutshall presented a written report. Mr. Gutshall said Road and Bridge crews have been working to complete the District 5 Road project, and most trucks are hauling there today. Work to place large rock continues on the Paradise Valley Hill and then work will move to Riverside Park for water lines and electricity. Those present spoke of a walkway that is proposed in conjunction with this project.

Mr. Gutshall discussed an issue pertaining to drainage problems on Gold Road and filling in low spots on Marcy Road.

Mr. Gutshall said he had attended the Local Highway Technical Assistance Council (LHTAC) workshop last week and learned several things have changed concerning funding. Mr. Gutshall said the Local Highway Rural Improvement Program (LHRIP) has made $100,000 available per year, but if the County did not have a year with Secure Rural Schools (SRS) funding and there was no levy in place, the county would not be eligible for this funding. Mr. Gutshall said SRS funds count as local monies, and LHRIP wants to see the 50% match coming locally. If the county hadn’t been funded by SRS this year, this funding would not be available. Mr. Gutshall said the county needs to start thinking about putting a levy in place. Mr. Gutshall explained that if the county overran on a project, LHTAC would not attempt to find leftover funding from the Idaho Transportation Department to use as match, but will instead make the locals pay and this has never happened in Boundary County.

Mr. Gutshall said Title VI was also discussed at this meeting and he learned not too many counties have established a coordinator so Boundary County is doing well there.

Mr. Gutshall discussed two piggy back proposals received for an excavator with a mulching head attachment. Mr. Gutshall said specifications are the same for both companies. Mr. Gutshall said a question he had was that CAT had originally not supplied the contract number, but that has since been resolved.

Commissioners reviewed the proposal from Rowand Machinery Company for a new John Deere 210GLC Excavator equipped with a mulching head attachment. Details are as follows: price of $218,500, less a trade in of $90,000, price after trade $128,000, RDM44 Mulcher Head installed for $47,475, total purchase price $175,475, and a seven year buyback of $90,000. This is GSA Contract #GS-30F-0013U.

The next piggyback proposal came from Western States/CAT for a Caterpillar 320EL Hydraulic Excavator with a RDM44 mulching head attachment. Details are as follows: price of $217,823, less a trade in of $100,000, price after trade in $117,823, RDM44 Mulcher Head installed for $41,669, total purchase price $159,492, and a seven year buyback of $120,000. This is GSA Contract #GS-30F-0018U.
Mr. Gutshall explained that the buyback only pertains to the excavator as the county would own the mulching head. Western States/CAT is the lowest bidder whether or not the county exercises the buyback option.

Commissioner Kirby moved to accept joint purchase piggyback bid from Western States/Cat for one Caterpillar 320EL Hydraulic Excavator with mulching head at a cost of $159,492 after trade in with a seven year buyback of $120,000 at the recommendation of the Road and Bridge Superintendent as Western States/CAT had the lowest piggyback bid offer. Chairman Smith yielded the chair to second. Motion passed unanimously.

Commissioner Kirby moved to sign the Independent Contractor Agreement with Cannon Hills Industries for grinding and hauling of the wood pile at the Boundary County landfill. Chairman Smith yielded the chair to second. Motion passed unanimously.

Commissioner Kirby moved to adopt Resolution #2013-5. A resolution appointing a member to the Planning and Zoning Commission. Chairman Smith yielded the chair to second. Motion passed unanimously. Resolution #2013-5 reads as follows:



WHEREAS, Chapter 65 of Title 67 does empower Boundary County to create a Planning and Zoning Commission, and Chapter 3, Section 1 of the Boundary County Zoning and Subdivision Ordinance did establish such a commission; and

WHEREAS, member Dan Studer, has vacated his position on the commission prior to the completion of his term on the Planning and Zoning Commission; and

WHEREAS; Caleb Davis has expressed interest in and does qualify to serve on the commission and does meet the residency requirements set forth at Section 67-6504, IC; and

WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners are desirous of appointing Caleb Davis as a member of the Boundary County Planning and Zoning Commission with a term to expire January 31, 2014; and

NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Boundary County, Idaho, that Caleb Davis be appointed to membership on the Boundary County Planning and Zoning Commission for a term commencing September 3, 2012, and ending on January 31, 2014.

Regularly passed and approved on this 22nd day of October, 2012.


Clerk of the Board of County Commissioners
Recorded as instrument #255445

Commissioner Kirby moved to adopt Resolution #2013-6. A resolution appointing a member to the Planning and Zoning Commission. Chairman Smith yielded the chair to second. Motion passed unanimously. Resolution #2013-6 reads as follows:



WHEREAS, Chapter 65 of Title 67 does empower Boundary County to create a Planning and Zoning Commission, and Chapter 3, Section 1 of the Boundary County Zoning and Subdivision Ordinance did establish such a commission; and

WHEREAS, member Paul Shelton, has vacated his position on the commission prior to the completion of his term on the Planning and Zoning Commission; and

WHEREAS; Mike Weland has expressed interest in and does qualify to serve on the commission and does meet the residency requirements set forth at Section 67-6504, IC; and

WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners are desirous of appointing Mike Weland as a member of the Boundary County Planning and Zoning Commission with a term to expire January 31, 2016; and

NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Boundary County, Idaho, that Mike Weland be appointed to membership on the Boundary County Planning and Zoning Commission for a term commencing July 30, 2012, and ending on January 31, 2016.

Regularly passed and approved on this 22nd day of October, 2012.


Clerk of the Board of County Commissioners
Recorded as instrument #255446

Commissioner Kirby moved to adopt Resolution #2013-1. A resolution authorizing the sale of surplus county property at public auction. Chairman Smith yielded the chair to second. Motion passed unanimously. Resolution #2013-1 reads as follows:

A Resolution Authorizing the Sale of Surplus County Property at Public Auction

WHEREAS, Boundary County owns surplus personal property, which is not being used by the County and for which the County is presently obliged to provide storage space, and the Board of Boundary County Commissioners have determined is not necessary for the County’s use; and

WHEREAS, the Board of Boundary County Commissioners are authorized under Idaho Code Section 31-808 to sell or offer for sale at public auction, after not less than ten days’ previous notice given by publication in a newspaper of the County, any property, real or personal, belonging to the County but not necessary for its use; and

WHEREAS, the Board of Boundary County Commissioners believes it is in the best interests of the County that the surplus property described as in “Attachment A” be sold and therefore desire to sell the property so described at public auction as provided in Idaho Code Section 31-808.

NOW, THEREFORE, upon motion duly made, seconded and unanimously carried, it is

RESOLVED that, after publication of notice in the Bonners Ferry Herald in the manner and for the time required by Idaho Code, the personal property of Boundary County described as in “Attachment A” be offered for sale at public auction on the 30th day of October, 2012, beginning at 10:00 a.m., at the Boundary County Courthouse Maintenance Shop, Bonners Ferry, Idaho.

DATED this 22nd day of October, 2012.

DAN R. Dinning, Commissioner
WALT KIRBY, Commissioner
Glenda Poston
Clerk of the Board of County Commissioners
By s/__________________________________
Michelle Rohrwasser, Deputy Clerk
Recorded as instrument #255444
***Clerk’s Note: The complete list of surplus auction items can be found with the original resolution in the Clerk’s Office vault

Mr. Gutshall left the meeting at 9:55 a.m.

9:55 a.m., Chief Deputy Clerk Tracie Isaac joined the meeting to continue the discussion on updating job descriptions.

Chief Deputy Clerk Isaac updated Commissioners on various aspects of two updated job descriptions and she explained the Sheriff’s Office Administrative Assistant position did go before the Classification Committee.

The meeting with Chief Deputy Clerk Isaac ended at 10:00 a.m.

Sheriff’s Office Administrative Deputy Crystal Denton stopped by at Commissioners’ request to clarify 911 surcharges as follows: $1 for landline service, $1 for cellular service and $0.25 grant fee.

Ms. Denton left the meeting at 10:10 a.m.

Commissioners tended to administrative duties.

10:25 a.m., Deputy Clerk Nancy Ryals joined the meeting.

Commissioner Kirby moved to go into closed session under Idaho Code #31-874. Chairman Smith yielded the chair to second. Motion passed unanimously. 10:40 a.m., Commissioner Kirby moved to go out of closed session. Chairman Smith yielded the chair to second. Motion passed unanimously.

Commissioner Kirby moved to deny indigent application 2012-33 and the appeal on indigent application 2012-21 as per the Clerk’s recommendation. Chairman Smith yielded the chair to second. Motion passed unanimously.

10:50 a.m., Deputy Clerk Ryals left the meeting.

There being no further business, Commissioners recessed until tomorrow at 9:00 a.m.

***Tuesday, October 23, 2012, Commissioners met in regular session with Chairman Ron Smith, Commissioner Walt Kirby and Deputy Clerk Michelle Rohrwasser. Commissioner Dan Dinning was out of the office tending to personal matters.

9:00 a.m., Commissioners held an elected officials/department heads meeting. Present were: Prosecutor’s Office Manager Tammie Goggia, Noxious Weeds Superintendent Duke Guthrie, Solid Waste Superintendent Claine Skeen, Chief Probation Officer Stacy Brown, Deputy Clerk Chris Wolfe, Planning and Zoning Administrator Dan Studer, Courthouse Maintenance Jerry Kothe, Assessor Dave Ryals, Treasurer Jenny Fessler, and Extension Office Educator Jennifer Jensen.

Chairman Smith updated those present on employee related matters.

Those present discussed the matter of counterfeit money and ways to check for authenticity. Chairman Smith said for any department that receives cash there are pens available to mark the bills to check for counterfeit money. Treasurer Fessler said you can also check money for holograms and images of the president on the bills.

Chairman Smith informed those present the county will hold a surplus property auction on Tuesday, October 30, 2012 at 10:00 a.m., and the location is Mr. Kothe’s Courthouse maintenance shop.

Chairman Smith mentioned receiving a letter from the Department of the Interior in regards to a request made by the Kootenai Tribe of Idaho to have their Twin Rivers property put into tribal trust land.

Chairman Smith discussed his future plans with those present.

The elected officials/department heads meeting ended at 9:50 a.m.

Mr. Kothe discussed issues occurring with a pump installed to pump excess water out of the fairground parking lot. The question is who owns the pump and Mr. Kothe said he feels the costs associated with this pump should be a joint venture between the city and county as it is both parties that need this pump.

Mr. Kothe left the meeting.

Mr. Studer updated Commissioners on a fish hatchery project the Kootenai Tribe is working on. The Tribe would like to apply for a conditional use permit for this project while their request to have this land put into tribal trust land is being considered by the Department of the Interior.

Mr. Studer left the meeting at 10:10 a.m.

Mr. Guthrie gave a Noxious Weeds Department report and said he is pretty much done spraying for this year. Due to the longevity of the summer and prior rainfall Mr. Guthrie said he had spent more time spraying this year than in the prior year. The State took over the treatment of milfoil in Bonner County, according to Mr. Guthrie. Chairman Smith inquired as to milfoil in the Kootenai River.

Mr. Guthrie said there are 31 groups participating in the Neighborhood Coop this year and funding was approximately $8,000. The prior year’s funding was approximately $15,000, according to Mr. Guthrie. Mr. Guthrie explained that the State of Idaho funds him to spray weeds that are considered new invaders. Mr. Guthrie and Commissioners discussed various insects that are used to treat noxious weeds and Mr. Guthrie said he also receives state funding for this practice as well.

Mr. Guthrie discussed issues with current funding management for monies related to the Selkirk Cooperative Weed Management Area (CWMP) and the possibilities of managing future funds within the county. Commissioners set up a meeting with Mr. Guthrie to discuss this when Clerk Poston can also be present.

The meeting with Mr. Guthrie ended at 10:30 a.m.

Planning and Zoning Administrator Dan Studer stopped by Commissioners’ Office at 10:35 a.m.

Mr. Studer discussed the Whispering Pines Subdivision with Commissioners and he informed them an error was discovered in the survey. Mr. Studer said the surveyor had noticed a pin had been moved and to correct the error a lot line adjustment application needs to be considered by Commissioners. Mr. Studer said the proposal is to have the adjustments made and show where the changes are in the records and instead of just having the developer Nelson Mast sign off, all of the various property owners will sign off.

Mr. Studer left the meeting.

There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 10:50 a.m.



By: Michelle Rohrwasser, Deputy