Results of 4th Grade Idaho History coloring contest;
winners earn commemorative silver coins
June 12, 2015
(Photos below courtesy Boundary County Historical Society)

The Boundary County Historical Society’s Education Committee was pleased to take a “trunk story” with photos from the Museum’s collection to several of the schools in the county. The “trunk story” was a history lesson on becoming Boundary County. Boundary County was formed in 1915, thus celebrates its centennial this year.

With the excitement of Boundary County’s 100th birthday, the Boundary County Commissioners and the Boundary County Historical Society partnered with the Boundary County School District 101 Fourth Grade classes in a coloring contest. Students in the fourth grade study Idaho history, and were pleased to be a part of this centennial year. The coloring contest consisted of the student’s choice of one of the three bas relief sculptures on the face of the courthouse.

In 1938, the Boundary County Commissioners contracted with the Southern California Arts Project division of the Works Project Administration for three 4 foot by 12 foot limestone panels to be installed on the new county courthouse. The panels were completed in 1940 at a cost to the county of $300, basically the charges for materials and transportation. Sculpted by Fletcher Martin (1904-1979) in the social realist style idealizing the American worker, the panels represent the major economic activities in Boundary County – logging, mining, and agriculture.

(Story continues below this photo)

The colored entries were judged by the staff in the Clerk’s office, and will be hung in the Museum during Kootenai River Days for the public to enjoy.

One winner was chosen from each of the 5 fourth grade classes. Winners received a limited edition “One Troy Ounce” Silver Coin commemorating the 100th Year Anniversary of Boundary County, Idaho, minted by the Sunshine Mines.

Winners are:
Mt. Hall: Mrs. Dillin’s class—Greta Callison

Naples: Mr. Alverez’s class—Tami Rigney

Valley View: Mr. Shryock’s class—Skylar Bradley
          Mrs. Perez’s class—Alyne Fischer
          Mrs. Funkhouser’s class—Brooklynn Jolley.

Congratulations to the five winners!