Boulder Creek Academy students publish book on Boundary County
August 7, 2015
Students of a local boarding school, Boulder Creek Academy, are publishing a photo journal that includes interviews of local residents in Bonners Ferry. The book contains articles on a variety of contributing members in the Boundary County community, providing an inside look at the residents’ lives and passions from the perspective of students who interviewed them. The book, scheduled for release on September 10, will be available through, email pre-release reservations, and a variety of Bonners Ferry locations.

Service Learning is a research-based, volunteer initiative that allows students to interact with and learn about their community. The class is not a community service; it’s designed to teach students important skills through community involvement. In each project, students evaluate their talents and interests to design projects that meet the needs in their community. At Boulder Creek, the Service Learning class rotates through the student body every 12 weeks in order to offer opportunities for students to learn more about the community in which they live. The project began in January and continues through August, with hours of dedicated writing, editing, and marketing work.

One student involved in the project explained, “It was an awesome experience to interview, write, edit, and eventually create a finished product that speaks to the good intentions of the unique people who live in this community.”

The Boulder Creek Academy Service Learning Initiative is proud to introduce its final product, Getting to Know You, Experiencing Boundary County Through Its People.

To learn more about the book or project or to reserve a copy, contact Service Learning at