Renovation of Paradise Valley Little White Church
comes to a halt:  someone stole building materials
August 11, 2015
This has been a big summer for the Little White Church in Paradise Valley. The long-time area landmark, over 100 years old, has been enjoying an intense renovation project, with all work, time, and materials procured through donations from people and businesses throughout Paradise Valley and Boundary County. The goal has been to turn the old, ailing structure into a vibrant and useful community asset once again.

This community effort was dealt a significant blow by someone who apparently sees no harm in stealing from their neighbors. Siding and lumber planned for use in the project is missing, presumably stolen, from the church site.

According to Larry Hall, who has been supervising the project, "On the morning of August 11, we went to the Little White Church in Paradise Valley to unload the siding we purchased, and it was missing. Sometime between the afternoon of August 8 and the morning of August 11, someone stole all the siding, together with six 14-foot 2x10’s and a rough cut 16-foot 2x10."

"All of this material was purchased with donations made by your neighbors in Boundary County," said Mr. Hall, "and the value is estimated at approximately $3,000. We cannot complete the renovation of the Church without these materials."

If you have any information or have seen these items, or know of anyone who suddenly has a load of siding and rough cut lumber in their possession, please call the Boundary County Sheriff’s Office.

Would it be permissable for NewsBF to throw in a little editorial comment here? For crying out loud, where is this person's common decency and honesty??