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County Commissioner, District 1
LeAlan "Lee" Pinkerton (R): Lee Pinkerton, a resident of Bonners Ferry, has announced his Republican bid for the District 1 position on the Boundary County Board of Commissioners. This position is currently held by Ron Smith.

Pinkerton was born and raised in Bonners Ferry, where he graduated from Bonners Ferry High School in 1978. While working as a logger for nine years, mostly in Boundary County, Pinkerton attended North Idaho College where he earned an Associate of Arts and Science Degree in Forestry Technology.

The 51 year old Pinkerton serves as a volunteer on the board of trustees for the Boundary County Museum and is also a volunteer non-officer reserve for the Boundary County Sheriff’s Department. To read his formal announcement, click here.
Ron Smith (R): Boundary County Commission Chair Ron Smith moved to Boundary County with his wife, Evelyn, in 1979, and has served the citizens of Boundary County since being hired as a sheriff’s deputy in 1981, was elected sheriff and served in that position from 1983 to 1988, and served his first stint as a county commissioner from 1989 to 1995 before seeking office and being elected again and serving from 2003 to present. He said he is proud to have worked with local, state and federal officials to give Boundary County an active and effective voice in decisions often made far away.

“I choose to run because I look forward to continuing to work with the 105-plus county employees who every day provide outstanding service to the people of Boundary County and because I would like to continue the work of this county in being an effective voice on big issues,” Smith said.

Smith said he looks forward to continuing building on the strides that have been made in recent years, and to continue serving the citizens of Boundary County.

In addition to serving the citizens of Boundary County, both Ron and Evelyn, his wife of 53 years, are active throughout the community, particularly when it comes to their church, their beloved Bonners Ferry Badgers and to education in general, giving of themselves and their time for a community they both love.